
Life is just like a piece of falwed code - 人生就像一段有缺點的程式碼

Life is just like a piece of falwed code - 人生就像一段有缺點的程式碼This entry was originally published at 抓~ 抓到一隻瞌睡蟲
有一天, 我驚醒, 發現我陷入昨日…
看著螢幕上一段程式碼, 發現人生還真像一段有缺陷的程式碼. program defect會infection, 這樣的program defect就像你在你的人生中做的一些錯誤決定, 當下也許不會產生error. 但是infection導致error, 最後造成system failure… 也就是失敗的人生.
擁有99.99%的草莓特性, 所以我就沒辦法承受挫折. 這段時間以來, 總覺得生活缺乏了一些什麼很重要的要素, 而就在那個關鍵的地方, 我轉不過彎, 在彎道的地方錯過了時機, 甩出跑道. 總會在這個時候後悔我選擇了左轉, 或右轉…
但如我所了解以及預期的這個世界, 走進了單行道除非你想逆向行駛, 否則就只有繼續往這個方向走下去. 我沒有逆向行駛的勇氣, 卻也被自己的困惑留在單行道.
究竟是不是我把自己的雙腿打斷, 才讓自己困住? 我想了很久, 仍舊沒有答案…
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還沒吃東西就要噴東西, 竟然沒有死?

還沒吃東西就要噴東西, 竟然沒有死?This entry was originally published at 抓~ 抓到一隻瞌睡蟲

1 #include <list>
2 #include <iostream>
3 using namespace std;
4 int main()
5 {
6 list<int> a;
7 a.pop_front();
8 a.pop_front();
9 a.pop_front();
10 a.pop_front();
11 a.pop_front();
12 a.pop_front();
13 a.pop_front();
14 a.pop_front();
15 cout <<a.size()<<endl;
16 return 0;
17 }
alex@xxxxxx [17:33] ~> ./a.out
a.out in free(): error: malloc() has never been called
yhsung@oooo [5:20pm] ~> ./a.out
a.out in free(): warning: malloc() has never been called
a.out in free(): warning: malloc() has never been called
a.out in free(): warning: malloc() has never been called
a.out in free(): warning: malloc() has never been called
a.out in free(): warning: malloc() has never been called
a.out in free(): warning: malloc() has never been called
a.out in free(): warning: malloc() has never been called
a.out in free(): warning: malloc() has never been called
另外試很多台, 看起來應該是要crash吧? @_@